

kerley's line A B C

Kerley’s A lines (arrows) are linear opacities extending from the periphery to the hila; they are caused by distention of anastomotic channels between peripheral and central lymphatics.
Kerley’s B lines (white arrowheads) are short horizontal lines situated perpendicularly to the pleural surface at the lung base; they represent edema of the interlobular septa. 
Kerley’s C lines (black arrowheads) are reticular opacities at the lung base, representing Kerley’s B lines en face. 

These radiologic signs and physical findings suggest cardiogenic pulmonary edema. 


2010 ADA DM criteria

x-ray notes

胸部X光判讀(CXR reading)的原則與順序

A (airway, aorta)
B (bones, breasts, bronchus)
C (cardiac)
D (diaphragm)
E (esophagus)
F (fissure)
G (gastric)
H (hilum)
I (inominate artery/vein)
J (jugular artery/vein)
K (kerley lines)
L (lungs)
M (mediastinum)
N (neck)